Wofford College
Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 08:48AM

Dining Services Assessment

Wofford College (Spartanburg, SC) retained Support Service Group, LLC to evaluate the planned retail space in the new housing village and make recommendations for additional retail dining venues. Additionally, SSG assessed the Wofford long-term contractor’s ability to improve student satisfaction, within existing budgetary parameters. SSG conducted a dining services needs assessment. A program improvement plan was developed to improve student satisfaction, coupled with the recommended contract renegotiation strategy.

Update on Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 08:42AM by Registered Commenterowenpruden

Dining Services RFP Management

Wofford elected to issue a RFP for the Wofford Dining Services in the Spring, 2017.  Four companies, including the incumbent contractor, will be invited to participate in the process.  Wofford will select the Dining Services partner best able to serve the College by graduation 2017.  Support Services Group, LLC was retained to manage the entire process, from needs assessment/RFP development through completion of the final contract document. The project was completed on time and on budget.

Article originally appeared on Support Service Group (http://www.supportservicegroup.com/).
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